April is Frog Month – hooray! Below are a few Facts about Frogs, together with clips and videos of Frogs.
Facts about Frogs:
- There are over 5000 species of Frog
- A Frog’s call is unique to it’s species
- Every year that a Frog goes in to hibernation, a new layer of bone forms
- Frog genders can be identified from their ears – Larger than the eye = Male, Smaller than the eye = Female
- Frogs swallow with the help of their eyes – Eyes retract into the head, helping to push the food down the throat
- Frogs do not ‘drink’ water, they absorb it through their skin
- Frogs croak to attract a mate from up to a mile away
- Herpetology is the study of Amphibians and Reptiles
- Asian Tree Frogs build nests in trees directly above water so that when the tadpoles hatch they fall directly in to the water for safety
- If food becomes scarce, the Mother will deposit unfertilized eggs with her offspring to ensure they have something to eat
BBC Natural World: Fabulous Frogs
BBC Life In Cold Blood: Amazing Rain Frogs
BBC Natural World: Nature’s Miniature Miracles
For more animal facts, take a look here